Favorite Online MMOs

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
Favorite Online MMOs
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
Since most people do like to get online and play, what are some of your favorite MMOs and you think others should play? Are they Free-to-Play, private servers, pay to play, etc. What do you like about it?

Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
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Favorite Online MMOs
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
I've never really had the time to commit to an MMORPG - BUT - I must say that I'm actually pretty excited for EQ Next.<br><br>
<a href="https://www.everquestnext.com/">https://www.everquestnext.com/<a/>

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
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Favorite Online MMOs
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
I'm looking heavily towards Elder Scrolls Online.
Some MMOs I've played are WoW, Aika, Allods, and a few others.

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
commented on
Favorite Online MMOs
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
I'm looking heavily towards Elder Scrolls Online.
Some MMOs I've played are WoW, Aika, Allods, and a few others.

Amezuki @amezuki
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Favorite Online MMOs
Amezuki @amezuki
I spent some years in a raiding guild in EQ2. A bit of time in Tera, Guild Wars, and a few others, but nothing approaching the time and depth that I put into EQ2. Still have that character although I'm not active right now.
I'm one of those rare MMO gamers who has never actually played WoW.

xueli @xueli
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Favorite Online MMOs
xueli @xueli
I used to play Wow until it stopped being free. I just can't shell out money continuously on a game I already bought. :/

. @mendermind1
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Favorite Online MMOs
. @mendermind1
I love WOW, but I stopped. I played a high rated warrior 2600+ arena rated. I couldn't take it anymore more with all the warrior nerfs and making the game noob friendly. The icing on the cake for me was the fact they took off all arena rating on PVP gear. Basically any scrub could walk into a battleground and get in the way..was terrible. Alliance lost so many games...not to mention I got tire of carrying people lol

Amezuki @amezuki
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Favorite Online MMOs
Amezuki @amezuki
Sometimes I really miss the camaraderie and teamwork of being in a serious raid group. Nostalgia about that is one of the things that hooked me on SAO so hard.

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
commented on
Favorite Online MMOs
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
I used to play WoW up till the Panderia expansion, but yeah i agree with you on missing that camaraderie when doing raids or serious dungeons. Thats the fun part that most MMOs miss.

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Favorite Online MMOs
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Favorite as of now is Elsword, League of Legends, DC Universe, Scarlet Blade, Latale, Neverwinter, and Infinite Crisis
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