Late introduction. >.>

sketch97 @sketch97
Late introduction. >.>
sketch97 @sketch97
I signed up last month but never used this but I'm trying to be more active now so time to introduce myself.
I do like anime and such but my lack of internets, computer and slow phone I don't watch as much as I would like to. I'm more of a videogame guy and my love of manga is in my hobby of drawing. At first I came on here looking for a girlfriend but more I look through the forums the more I just want to talk about this stuff. If you have any anime or manga I should watch or read let me know, I'd be happy took take a look. ^-^ If you ever want a conversation then I would be happy to talk so let me know, I look forward to my time on this website and I hope you guys do too. :3

Aramat31 @aramat31
commented on
Late introduction. >.>
Aramat31 @aramat31
Hello. :-)

sketch97 @sketch97
commented on
Late introduction. >.>
sketch97 @sketch97
Hello there. ^-^

DemonGod @demongod
commented on
Late introduction. >.>
DemonGod @demongod
.... I'm sorry, but are those Bananas in Pajamas in the picture behind you? Great, now I got that stupid song stuck in my head from the commercials Fox used to play.
That aside, welcome and enjoy your stay. I've only started posting a day or so ago, but I'm here more for forums conversations as well, so hopefully some interesting topics start cropping up.

sketch97 @sketch97
commented on
Late introduction. >.>
sketch97 @sketch97
Thank you for welcoming me and I'm so sorry about the Bananas in Pajamas song getting stuck in your head. xD It's just my best picture. And yeah welcome too and hope you find some interesting topics to read. ^-^

MOOKAGE @mookage
commented on
Late introduction. >.>
MOOKAGE @mookage
I actually liked the Bananas in Pajamas... *hides* Hi, there!!! ^-^

sketch97 @sketch97
commented on
Late introduction. >.>
sketch97 @sketch97
Awwww, that's adorable. :'3 The theme song is very catchy isn't it? xD and hi, pleased to meet you. ^w^

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Late introduction. >.>
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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