Conventions in the Midwest

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
Conventions in the Midwest
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
I've been craving for-ever to go to an anime convention, and I've found a few but I could really use help on knowing which ones to try and attend. It would also be awesome if there is anyone that i could meet up with, a veteran con-goer/otaku.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Conventions in the Midwest
Sephiroth @sephiroth
These are best cons: <a href=""></a> (Official Sponsors Here)

thesagemaster @thesagemaster
commented on
Conventions in the Midwest
thesagemaster @thesagemaster
Try Anime fest, they have been runing for 21 years now. San-Jappan is also a great con to start at. They have only been doing this 6 years though and are a little unexpirienced. If you don't mind crowds and long lines A-kon is nice but very big. They have been running 24 years now. Ikkicon is a nice place to go to start off. Not as great as Anime fest or San jappan but better than A-kon. They will have their 8th year this December. Hope this helped you out some :).

stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
commented on
Conventions in the Midwest
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
I don't know if I will be in the Midwest next year, most likely. I would like to go to. I missed Meta Con 2013 so I believe my convention season is over with this year.

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
commented on
Conventions in the Midwest
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
from what info i've come across, most of the midwest ones are done for the year, besides any smaller ones that are more or less known
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