Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
Lets get our gaming info out there for multiplayer games or even just to chat on your systems.
PS3: Jedah_Shade
3DS: 0301-9781-6711
WiiU: r0bscene (that's a zero after r)
Multiplayer games I've been in lately are: Dragon's Crown, Resident Evil 6 & Borderlands 2 on PS3, Luigi's Mansion & Code of Princess on 3DS, Injustice Gods Among Us on WiiU and Resident Evil Revelations on WiiU or 3DS.

Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
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Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!
Wolfenheart @wolfenheart
PS3: Dragonheartblade
Dark Souls, Borderlands 2, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen,

mobored101 @mobored101
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Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!
mobored101 @mobored101
i play borderlands 2,payday 2,black ops 2, and battle field 3

leilei325 @leilei325
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Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!
leilei325 @leilei325
Xbox 360
I play mostly left 4 dead 1 and 2, dance central and just dance games.

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Xbox 360: CoD Black ops 2, Mw3, Mw2, Soul Calibur 4, UMVC3, Madden 10, Dynasty warrior 6-8, and Dynasty Warrior Strikeforce
And a crap load of MMO's

raine13shade @raine13shade
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Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!
raine13shade @raine13shade
Xbox 360: COD BO2,Halo 4,left 4 dead,left for dead 2,Dead Space 2,Battlefield 3,gears of war 3,Dead Island,Dead Island riptide,and some really fun arcade games

Antonio88 @antonio88
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Gamertags, Friendcodes & more for Fun & Profit!
Antonio88 @antonio88
xbox 360: Mw3
Gamertag: R3b31Antonio
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