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Unofficial MaiOtaku Chatroom!

Finally got on today gotta say the tiny chat is actually going pretty well
Aug 29, 13 at 7:03pm
Was nice meeting you on Tinychat, Darth. You came in at a rather inactive time, normally we have 6 or 7 people on webcam and it can get pretty crazy at times.
Sep 07, 13 at 4:58pm
Note: Due to Tinychat user policy and the interests of certain users, the Tinychat will only be open to those that are 18 years of age or older. Those that are under 18 will need parental permission to access Tinychat. Sorry for the inconvenience. Feel free to message me if there are any questions or concerns.
i got to tinychat today, 'hope when i come to visit it again there'll be plenty users around
There are usually more people on at night
Man I work at night but maybe I'll be able to come since I'm changing jobs
sounds like fun...but no computer T.T *feels left out* i knew the chat room was going to be 18 or older i just knew it heheh
never anyone there
Sep 09, 13 at 9:21pm
^ Sounds like a huge lie to me. We generally maintain 2 to 3 people at all hours and right now we have 9 people.
hmm ok but i have checked a few times cause im interested, maybe its just the time im checking or maybe im one of the two people your maintaining
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