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Why are "fat girls" like me so unattractive??

@bookwatcher The thing is, weight significantly affects your ability to get pregnant. Females need at least ... I wanna say 10% body fat to even get a menstrual cycle and then as your body fat increases, especially beyond a normal level, your cycle becomes inconsistant because of an increased estrogen level. But @hannahelizabeth, don't take it to heart. If your body image is really the only thing that these guys are looking at, then honestly, it probably wouldn't have lasted anyways. At least you haven't wasted any more time with those guys and now you can move on
thank you xueli, i really appreciate that :)
I think this is also for the guys, at least in Mexico i've yet to meet a girl that doesn't care about the outside, even the fat/ugly ones will only settle for a perfect attractive boyfriend. This kinda made me go into a misogynist phase, you know being a fat guy looking for a girl ain't easy. And until just recently I used to be a bit idealistic "I gotta find a girl that doesn't care about my body, that sees the true heart of gold" and BS like that, but it just doesn't work that way. When I went into college, you know everyone dresses casually (in mexico everyone uses uniforms from pre-school to high school) and because of that all the girls look really attractive, I got really frustrated for not being able to do anything, then my dad got diagnosed with diabetes, and his dad died of that then I got obsessed with my health (and then the health problems related to overweight came but that's a story for another day) The thing is, i'm finally working on my weight and I'd like someone that takes care of her body too.
plenty of guys in every country and of every ethnicity ONLY like fat girls don't lose focus on reality and don't waste time beating yourself up
@Hannah, as i stated, there are some circumstances that can and will stop you from losing weight. That is the benefit of the doubt anyone will have but at the same time, you still have the potential to lose weight if you want to. Reducing the amount of food and what type of food you intake, can and will make a big difference. As i stated though, if you want to change your physical being, do it for yourself and not for others. Stay true to yourself. @Amezuki, people won't like what they see so they have to chime in. I don't mind it, people are going to clash. I'm not always right as I'm not always wrong, but just like you. I have my opinions, if picked at, i will defend it and i will give reason of why I see it the way I do. Just like how you do it. The difference is that I do it in a blunt way. Call it an unattractive trait if want to, that doesn't bother me. (Was this a shot at me? loool because this was irrelevant to the topic but cool. lol) As for me nitpicking as to why I'm right and they're wrong, HA! I only reply back when someone likes to nitpick at my post first. How are they anymore different than me then? lol smh. @DrMario, if that's what you've comprehended then sure. My point was that because I studied it, i'm not going to BS about it. Which is why it wouldn't hurt for you to actually look into it, instead of declining my statement without knowing any specifics from my point of view o_O. To sum it up because so many people are touchy about this subject, Genes don't control your weight, your habit does. The environment you grow up in does, as stated, there are many variables for weight gain but you cannot use GENEs as an excuse. The statements are vague but take it for what you will. Everyone has the potential to be obese, just as they have the potential to control their weight. The difficulty of weight loss varies from individual and the same applies to the rate of weight loss.
I have to say you are wrong genes do affect your weight just as much as habbit does I can intake a substantial amount of calories and not gain a pound where as a friend of mine took in significantly less and stills gains weight, before you say anything about me working more or them less he works out twice ad much as me and we have the same work out in the morning (organized army work out with the unit every morning) genes have as much an impact as eating habits and is the difference between how difficult or not it is to lose weight. Everyone can lose weight that's unquestionable the difference is the effort required
Seems like it's just may be a Metabolism issue to me. I used to have a beast Metabolism and consume almost anything and not put on any weight whatsoever without working out. When i hit 19, it tanked on me significantly and it feels non-existent haha. Now I have to make sure I workout whenever I consume anything fatty or has a lot of sugars in it. Metabolism is Gene based but Metabolism can tank on anyone at any given time. The thing with this though is that Metabolism can still be accelerated, however you usually have a cap it seems. I have a friend whose just like you, hes my workout partner. We have to completely opposite metabolisms and we have the same exact situations lol.
For one, obviously those guys weren't worth it. Two, even if you are bigger you are still attractive. I like your face lol I tell people that and they normally look at me weird... anyways, even if you don't loose weight, there are "chubby chasers" as they say, and also other guys that go for the in-between area that occasionally go to one end or the other. Also, you are 16. At that age many people are very shallow. High school sucks for that. lol I'm 18 and had huge problems when I was bigger. I used to be overweight even though I didn't overeat. I had an awful metabolism and was very depressed. Anyways, then when I was 15 I started loosing weight. Not much, but I did lose a bit, and then at 16 it picked up a bit more and then at 17 even more so. I started working out and really watching what I was eating. It is possible to lose weight, but it might take a while to see results which can be disheartening ^^" And also, be healthy about losing weight if you are going to work at it. You might not see results even as fast as I did. I lost 20 or 25 pounds since September, but I was basically anorexic. Anyways, try to stay away from that. Once you get into that mindset, its really hard to get out and you honestly never really do, you just have to control it. So try to avoid getting into it in the first place ^^"
Quick story. My ex was 340 pounds when I met her. Over the course of 2 years she lost a hundred pounds. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I will give anyone a shot as long as they are accepting to positive growth such as getting down to a healthy weight. Not for looks... If im in love I dont want my future wife to die of a heart attack at age 35. Since we broke up she gained all her weight back.
I date a couple of plus size ladies and i like big girls. Although the health issues and physical limitation can be somewhat of a burden. My advice is "Its not getting what you want, but wanting what you got." Think Sherald Crowe said that.
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