First Day
none @sorallin
First Day
none @sorallin
Hi, everyone!
I hope to makes friends and possibly romance. Nice to meet you all!
Zero2 @zero2
commented on
First Day
Zero2 @zero2
Hi and welcome.
none @sorallin
commented on
First Day
none @sorallin
Thanks! I hope to get a lot out of this experience. =D
Zero2 @zero2
commented on
First Day
Zero2 @zero2
If you really want to get a lot out of it, you shall.
Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
First Day
Amezuki @amezuki
Welcome. I've only been here a few days myself, but I've noticed that these forums definitely seem to be the social center of the site, so to speak. Take chances and reach out to people. :)
You might want to add a picture to your profile as well--most people seem to respond better when they can put a face to the name.
adorablymadd23 @adorablymadd23
commented on
First Day
adorablymadd23 @adorablymadd23
Welcome! :D
sangofrank @sangofrank
commented on
First Day
sangofrank @sangofrank
welcome to the party!
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