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I'm good. House is still under quarantine
I see, I see good luck with that and hope it ends soon
People still quarantining I see. Must be nice. Seriously though. I can't help but laugh every time someone brings it up. My work absolutely could care less about that. On paper of course they are "super concerned" but in reality they aren't. - Everyday I get a message someone in contact to me was infected, but no offer is made to give me time off work. - In addition I myself still haven't been infected though I took the offer to get vaccinated. Helped that I was also paid $120 to do it with an additional 3 days vacation. - After going to the hospital I was also open to seeing just how "swamped" with covid patients they were. - In fact it was annoying how I had to share a room with another patient to get blood work done. - Felt like if the virus was a big deal you wouldn't put two strangers together in close quarters to draw blood. - The other person was also complaining about breathing issues. - Whatever the case I am beginning to feel jaded by the whole "Pandemic" nonsense.
Haha I've been quarantining since my business shut down last year and I decided to say fuck it I'm going to try and write a book.
Just don't turn into Jack Torrance while you're shut up inside your cabin in the woods, Cris!
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