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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

Same here. That's uncool.
Is there a way to see if people are online? Wanna start conversations, just don't wanna bother if they're offline you know?
People in red on chat are online.
So if you minimize the friend list bar on the right so it's on the bottom right, whatever names come up are the ones online?
Seph, I just wanna say the mobile version looks very sleek. nice job :)
tbh i ain't complaining about the "sup bitch" in the recent activity area i got a real good laugh from it, i love it
I didn't even see it.. o.O
May 08, 15 at 7:07pm
Maybe add some sort of indicator sound that someone sent a PM? I mean, while you're watching anime or viewing other forums or whatever with this tab still up, you'd need some sort of notification other than a number showing up on the chat box icon.
I got a bug on my private messages, the notification on the top telling me how many messages I have is staying at 1 unread message despite the fact all of my messages have been read
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