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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

^ thank baby jezuz, I thought my shitty laptop was broken or some shit
I believe notifications will be fixed momentarily.
I currently only have time for design and user interface suggestions. If there are any areas of the site where the "how to do X" is not immediately obvious or transparent, let me know.
I've added some explanation to those people who's walls can't be posted on that may help them understand for themselves at least.
Hey sephiroth I think the introduction forum should be just one open thread so people could introduce themselves and so on instead of having thousands of hi my name with only two replies on each.
@Sephiroth, The Anime Midwest ad came back, even though the convention is over.
for some reason I seem to have stopped recieving emails from the site for ail notifications. It does not seem to be my email. Is there something wrong with my account?
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