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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

Anyway to get this to work on old android models without crashing? I have the original Samsung Galaxy S from AT&T. It crashes a lot.
I think it would be awesome to be able to see who was online
Can we have the option to edit our own page for double posts?
Blocking feature qould be awesome. Would help eliminate QQing.
Once upon a time, there was a notification box. This box made the townsfolk happy because it told them what posts were made in their subscribed threads. Then one day, the site went down and when it came back up, the notification box was broken. The sad townsfolk had to rely on checking every thread to see if anything new has been posted. The notification box became very lonely because the townsfolk didnt use it anymore. Please make the notification box happy and not lonely anymore by fixing it. The townsfolk will be celebrating in the streets, rejoicing your name. It will be most enjoyable!
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