Anime Midwest

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Anime Midwest
Sephiroth @sephiroth
Anime Midwest is much smaller, but only because it's much newer - however it costs almost 50% less. Registering is $40 and hotel rooms are only $104. And the concerts are amazing.

maladroit_misgivings @maladroit_misgivings
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Anime Midwest
maladroit_misgivings @maladroit_misgivings
I perfer acen. I went to midwest this past year

aleemny @aleemny
commented on
Anime Midwest
aleemny @aleemny
I might have to go just for steam powered giraffe. I haven't seen them since World Steam Expo a few years back.

Jmac525 @jmac525
commented on
Anime Midwest
Jmac525 @jmac525
I'm attempting to gather funds to go to this. Never been to this big of a con before.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anime Midwest
Yu @metaljester
This one sounds interesting.

Domino369 @domino369
commented on
Anime Midwest
Domino369 @domino369
Anime Midwest is alright. It's sandwiched on the dates that Anime-Expo and Anthrocon are held on, so it tends to not get a lot less press. That and other things.

blogcat @blogcat
commented on
Anime Midwest
blogcat @blogcat
Anime Midwest was the only anime con I went to last year and my second ever (I went to Animazement in NC a couple years ago), but I really enjoyed it. I'll be going again this year, especially since they're expanding to the convention center!

mrthatguy @mrthatguy
commented on
Anime Midwest
mrthatguy @mrthatguy
I went last year and had a blast for my birthday. It was worth it. Totally going this year.

loulevi @loulevi
commented on
Anime Midwest
loulevi @loulevi
I'm planning on going to Midwest. I'm planning on going as two different cosplays and i'll go the first two days and maybe the third. This is my first time attending Midwest but it seems fun.

Elena035 @elena035
commented on
Anime Midwest
Elena035 @elena035
Last year at Midwest was my first con and was completely epic! Great for people who find 5,000-8,000 people as ENOUGH to fight for panel spots and rides in the elevator XD The price for the badge and hotel can't be beat, especially with roommates and carpools. If anyone's curious, the big names at con this year are Sonny Straight, Caitlin Glass, Chris Patton, and Greg Ayres. =]
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