Give Away Contest

Nerdalous @nerdalous
Give Away Contest
Nerdalous @nerdalous
I help Run a Facebook page called "The Battle Colosseum" and we're having a Free Give Away Contest. some of the prizes we're giving away are
1. A One of a Kind Custom drawn Edward Elric by Steve Bennett sighed by Vic Mignogna
2. A vintage Classic Ironman Trading Card sighed by Stan Lee.
3. An ASTL 2008 Con Badge Sighed by Johnny Yong Bosch
4) A Batman Arkham City Collector's Sdition Statue
5) and many other AWESOME PRIZES.
How ever we're only doing this if we can get 10,000+ Likes. So if you wish to help us in our campaign to get more likes and wish to win some of these goods come and Like our Facebook page.
Oh silly me. I almost forgot to talk about the Facebook page. It's a Debate page, where we put 2 or more Anime/Manga, Video Game, Comic Book, etc Characters together and we debate on who would win.
We also post news and fun facts about Anime/Manga, Video Games, Comic Books, etc.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo null_zps00836e08.jpg"/></a>

Nerdalous @nerdalous
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Give Away Contest
Nerdalous @nerdalous
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