Humble Origin Bundle
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
Humble Origin Bundle
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
Now, I hate EA more than anything, but this is too good to pass up. I do love DICE, though. I just wish they weren't owned by EA.
<br><a href=""></a>
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Humble Origin Bundle
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
The humble bundle, some of the sickest and cheapest games are packaged at an awesome price every so often. Have to love this site.
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
commented on
Humble Origin Bundle
Toltecatl (Mike) @toltecatl
They even gave the Steam codes too. It's a cold day in hell when EA does something not greedy.
Amezuki @amezuki
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Humble Origin Bundle
Amezuki @amezuki
EA and Origin. That makes it an absolute non-starter in my book. Sigh.
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
Humble Origin Bundle
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
I got that bundle and the pewdiepie bundle, and I think it's great for a small price around 5-6 bucks.
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