
DarthRane @darthrane
DarthRane @darthrane
We should create one for everyone on this forum not as a replacement but a supplement I think having video chat where we can converse back and forth will not only help us connect better as fellow anime fans but itll also help bridge the gap of interaction that a forum simply cant produce tell me your thoughts

Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
Pawlitics @pawlitics
That sounds like a good idea, but since the forums aren't too active the chat might not work very well. Maybe start it off slow (once a week tinychats and such) and if the test runs are successful we can try out a longer one or a 24/7 chat?

DarthRane @darthrane
commented on
DarthRane @darthrane
Yeah sounds like a good idea I think if we keep a consistent scheduled time at first it will grow fast

Pawlitics @pawlitics
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Pawlitics @pawlitics
Are there any plans for a tinychat yet? Maybe we could try for one on Friday or sometime next week.

DarthRane @darthrane
commented on
DarthRane @darthrane
Well if someone wants to lead it this weekend they are more than welcome to. I fly back today and it will probably take me about a week to get settled into my new place once that happens ill be more than happy to start making it a weekly or bi weakly thing for us usuallu Saturdays and sundays

DarthRane @darthrane
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DarthRane @darthrane
Correction Fridays and satudays :p

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Oh man that sounds awesome, I'm in =D. If you're ok with crazy people C.C.....

DarthRane @darthrane
commented on
DarthRane @darthrane
Sry no crazy people.. Jking :D

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
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Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
T.T but...I bring the lemons!!...

xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
Sounds like "fun".
Are you going to be the one to make the room, DarthRane?
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