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Asians are not pets!!!

Oreo, in that case, you're probably not looking for a serious relationship then. These are the easiest girls to take advantage and while they are the easiest ones, they are the ones who will easily throw you aside if you fall deep for them. The problem is that these chicks will easily leave you for another person of your race/ethnicity the moment an opportunity comes that they think they can find someone more physically attractive. It's nice to have the exposure, but it's not the kind of exposure that you would particularly want.
On the flipside for you Asians you have the upperhand in finding a likeminded significant other. I'm talking about the more level headed otakus out there, rather than those Asian fanatics. Sigh for being Black the difficulty of finding a like minded GF is next to impossible, since well it seems Blacks are the least liked in the otaku culture/geek community D:
Haha, this isn't a generalization but a good amount of girls who are Otakus have a huge case of Yellow Fever. Some don't even know that they have it. This is why I'm always skeptical. When someone is interested in you because of your race and not because of "YOU". Then I don't think it's fair to you because that doesn't confirm that they're interested in who you are, only what you are.
For me, it's a personal attraction, but I still treat them as a person anyway. I know the feeling of someone treating me differently because of my race. I would feel out of place dating this one person once because they were treating me differently but got along with my friend better because they had the same race. It made me feel very hurt. I wanted to be treated as an equal because I saw them as an equal. Those girls may be easy, but I'm not at all. I'm still super picky who'd I like. I don't like everyone. I just need that attraction but I'm mostly looking for personality too along with attraction. When I was a stupid teenager, I dated someone because I thought he was cute. Awhile after dating, I noticed how we didn't have anything in common at all...So I had to break it off. I learned not to rush into anything. It's very hard for me to like anyone in general but if they have something I'm looking for, they got me hooked. But it's super rare for me. I've changed a lot over the years. But overall, I need both attraction and personality. There can't be one without another. Just like guys who think I'm attractive...but they don't really know me..? So you like me for my looks only? That's why I never want to do that to someone. I just can't... I also know the feeling with a recent case. The last guy I had an interest in recently, a month ago when he was talking to me..He was like "I never dated a white girl". It kinda threw me off a little bit..even though we had so much in common, I found myself not liking certain things of him. He was also half Asian too and he was really cute, but I didn't see him differently than that. I didn't label him Asian or anything. I just saw him like any other person I had an interest in. Sorry for ranting.
@ Tornado what I'm saying though, around here so many girls would say the races their attracted to are either Caucasian,Hispanic or Asian. I never seen not one girl say race doesn't matter or they'd like a Black dude. It really bums me out when I find a girl I'm interested, only then to be attracted to specific races that I'm not apart of. Asians are on top of the food chain, Latinos and Whites are in the Gray area, while Blacks are at the bottom. While I'm more attracted to other races of female, I won't let that stop me from dating someone who's Black or whichever race. Problem is many others let that be the deciding factor due to skin color. That's what kept bumming me out especially since I was strongly interested in someone around here only to find out she isn't attracted to my race.But I guess it can't be helped since Blacks have a bad rep with society and not many Blacks are into the geek/otaku culture. Sorry about my rambling, I'm just frustrated about how so many girls around here will ignore you if you're not Asian,Hispanic or White. Le Sigh ):
@ Tornado Continued I know there are those Asian fanatics, I get that, but what about non Asian fanatics? The more down to Earth girls? I wouldn't be able to get any of them due to my race. But you along with others who aren't Black would be able to. You said it yourself tornado in the one topic about fitting in, about how otakus just assume the worst just because your black. You're correct about that. Frankly it's difficult fitting in this community and finding a significant other for being Black. Sigh ):
it goes both ways, ive met girls that would love to date asians, and some that never would, and same for other races, i guess it depends where you live, because by where i live its mostly hispanics whites and black people, and very few asians, and in my school the asians are the ones who find it hard to meet someone that likes them that are not asian aswell.
@Tiger, I know plenty of girls who are attracted to black dudes lol. Just not many girls who are Otakus who are attracted to black dudes. And even then, most girls who have Yellow Fever go deep in the paint with Yellow Fever. Totally obsessed to the point where I'm questioning if they are more Asian than I am. It's a total turnoff. As I stated and what you pointed out, Black people don't have quite the good reputation because of how a selected group of them act in society. Because of those people, Black people are suddenly generalized to be like them. Asians are the same, except we're generalized to be the super perfect Asian dude you find in Kdramas and shit lol, which we aren't. Similar situation, different reasoning. The Non Asian Fanatics/down to Earth girls are easy to spot. Your chance at getting one is just as high as any Asian because they aren't basing their attraction off of a specific race.
^ I hope you're right about that one. About the Non Asian Fanatics/Down to Earth girls thing. Be nice if I can just run into one lol. But I can see what you're saying about the Asian and Black stereotypes. Quite frankly ppl who are blinded by stereotypes are ignorant. Nonetheless Asian or not, finding someone on this site is hard as fuck lol. Still looking though :P Not too hopeful though. XP
Haha, I can't say that I'm right but I'm fairly positive that there is more right to it than wrong lol. I mean there will always be a preference but I don't mind preference. I however do mind if a girl thinks a black dude is an 8/10 and an asian dude is an 8/10 but will only date the Asian dude because hes Asian. Gotta pick them for who they are, not their god damn race lol. ^That's what I mean :P It's kinda like how most Otakus I know who like Asians, *MOST*, will only date Koreans/Japanese guys and no other Asians. That's even more annoying lol. The trick is to not look and to just stay active, talk to people but don't push and don't rush. If the feelings are mutual and there is a natural "rush" then that's okay. But don't ever rush someone into something :). Thing people don't understand is that the act of "Falling in Love" is different than "Loving someone". Falling in love can happen as soon as you start talking, when you start loving someone, that takes time to be able to generate that type of emotion toward someone.
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