Not sure

Akira Nakamura @tun
Not sure
Akira Nakamura @tun
So do you think
FMA is better them FMA:Brotherhood.?

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

xx0utca5txx @xx0utca5txx
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xx0utca5txx @xx0utca5txx
hi, I'm a believer that FMA Brotherhood is much much better than FMA. Both are great but the ending to FMA felt lacking to me, almost like it was rushed and left many questions unanswered. FMA Brotherhood answered a good chunk of those questions and had a more interesting with a better ending.

RomanticChaos @romanticchaos
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Not sure
RomanticChaos @romanticchaos
Welcome to the site, Akira! :D
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