ジュレル・ザ・アジアン人 @your_japanatic
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ジュレル・ザ・アジアン人 @your_japanatic
Cover girls~Promise me
I don’t sound like your typical teenager of todays era right?
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
hey, I just met you, but heres my number.
So call me, maybe~
cristin33330 @cristin33330
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cristin33330 @cristin33330
Yellow by coldplay my favorite song makes me happy and sad at the same time X).To me it show a love between two people and what he would do for the woman he loves everything has meaning every word means something in the song. The stars in a way symbolize how amazing and wonderful his lover is.It's a very touching song. X)
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