Anyone from Arizona?

Toko Murasame @tokomurasame
Anyone from Arizona?
Toko Murasame @tokomurasame
Anyone from the show low AZ area?

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
Anyone from Arizona?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
This guy's from Arizona, but all the way over in Cottonwood.
Seems like all the otaku in the state are down in the Phoenix or Tucson areas.

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
commented on
Anyone from Arizona?
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
I lived in AZ from 2011 to 2012 but I moved away xD

calculusman @calculusman
commented on
Anyone from Arizona?
calculusman @calculusman
i live in cave creek bruh bruh what's chillin

Azora @azora
commented on
Anyone from Arizona?
Azora @azora
I just joined but I'm from the west side of Phoenix. :)

Eriesea @muffintart
commented on
Anyone from Arizona?
Eriesea @muffintart
I do!! In Tucson! :)
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