How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
how do u knw o.o?
Aka-san @redhawk
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Aka-san @redhawk
I guess you don't really know unless you just got to make that assumption if the virus was airborne you'd be gone already, if you saw someone get bit by a rat and nothing happened,and if someone got bit by a different rat and became infected you'd know, idk it just adds more to think about. but you did write some good stuff.
I would try to at least try to comprehend the situation at first, look for materials, find people I can trust, deal with the fact that my everyday life will never be the same again, constantly look for shelter if I decided to travel to a safer location. From what I can gather in my home would be an Axe, a Baseball Bat, and a Machete (for weapons), I do have two dogs and they are trained(but like you said it would put quite a burden on me since I have to take care of them also my water supply would go down and). I think I would spend at least an hour out looking for supplies and weapons, and if I were to go on raids I would only take a empty backpack, 2 two days worth of food and water, a flash light with at least 2 batteries, a combat knife and my Axe, a watch, and wear a hoodie and long slacks with boots. I think I would end up barricading myself instead of going somewhere else ^_^
Lamby @momoichi
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
hmm well I wanna knw y a watch, to keep abit of the old world as a coping strategy to the sudden change? and I woodnt agree with all those melee, blood wood go everywhere....wait u think zombies wood have that much blood? thinkin about it I think an old corpse wood probz not quirt out anything but liquid tissue?
plus if ur gonna stay inna normal city ull need a gasmask cuz of the smell
plus I think itll be pure blood contracted becuz of viruses similar to it, like HIV and rabys (I even think itd be a lot like a cancer) air born diseases tend to be more pure viral then cell mutanting....right? well viruses can and do mutate so it cood start blood and turn airborn.....maybe? idk im not a biology major.....and srry if im being combative, not being rude or pushy just I love debating :D! and zombies!? even more interesting!
Aka-san @redhawk
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Aka-san @redhawk
na it's all right, don't worry about it. Debating is good think about it, if you were in group you would have to debate over these things anyways, its the key to survive ina world full of the living dead. and yes zombies are awesome, you watch or read The Walking Dead? (I bet you do ^_^)
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
gamingfanatic @gamingfanatic
Weapon would be a sledgehammer. Would carry a gun, but would not rely on it because of ammunition. I live in Birmingham, AL in a semi poor district, so I wouldn't believe it would be too safe considering the violent people there. I would probably move to another building like an apartment complex and fortify barriers around it with the people that I find in order to stay safe from ambushes. I would have no choice but to rely on driving as to move from different cities to stay in. I'm more afraid though because of the chance of the cars either breaking down or running out of gas. I would take people in, but only if they want to. I'm physically fit and healthy all-around, so I can avoid the dead if the situation arises. I will get resources in the day time, using as much time to be outside at that time as possible. The only time I would be outside at night would be to save someone because I believe in being the hero, even if it's dangerous. People who oppose me will die, simple as that.
Lamby @momoichi
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Lamby @momoichi
Iv....seen walking dead....and despite my friends verbal abuse I disliked it XD the aspect of it isn't realistic :T just my opinion, im super nitpicky :O
and zombies aren't awesome! there terrifying TTwTT!!! if they were awesome id make a plan to catch one as a pet during the apocalypse, if u can stand the smell I think itd be pretty awesome....(like Shawn of the Dead :D)!!
Aka-san @redhawk
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How would you Survive a Zombie Apocalypse?
Aka-san @redhawk
thats a good way to go Gamingfanatic, well the idea of zombies is cool is what I meant, not like I want a zombie apocalypse to happen, just that the concept of it seems cool
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