Hello All

llAce89ll @llace89ll
Hello All
llAce89ll @llace89ll
I am new to this website guys and gals. I have a name but just call me Ace for now. I want to know what anime/manga you guys like, and what video games you like as well. Well, let's get started. I would like to chat with just about anybody. Note: I am an Evangelion fan.

megachoji @megachoji
commented on
Hello All
megachoji @megachoji
Nice to meet you! Welcome to the site. Though, you posted this in the wrong area ^^" Oh well though, Nice to meet you anyway. Evangelion is a really good anime. It's like a mech anime without being a mech anime. I like almost any anime and am always looking for new ones to watch. I also love manga and video games. Once again, welcome!

llAce89ll @llace89ll
commented on
Hello All
llAce89ll @llace89ll
Oh is that right? Sorry I'm not used to forums lol. And thanks for welcoming man. Hope to meet new people : D
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