
mirrek @mirrek
mirrek @mirrek
All I want is fun, but not the cool kind with glass in one hand and talk to people about random crap I mean extreme one which you cant find in movies or real life. I get boored really easily but good anime humor always puts smile on my face. I also play games, well I love TEKKEN but PS is not in my possession at the moment so I'm killing my time with DOTA2. I'm also looking for a soul mate, coz ever since I moved to different country (2y ago) I have not been talking about anime with a humanoid, and all people I meet are too "adult" for me to even understand. And I'm quite possessed by ancient history. Well hope you still read this :D, I like martial arts but not fighting, started to play chess lately but I suck at it, and last but not least, I do game programing/designing and my most successful game made 60cents :D but at least I tried. There might be a new one soon for android this time but got too much University homework and anime to watch so it wont be that easy to make it. Uuuuuuffffff thtats about that just kidding theres more :D I love thinking, and technically solving problems of almost any kind ( just try me ;D) I love chemistry although I know nothing about it. MUSIC: before I listened to jap old music and j-pop but after I learned japanese I kinda got sick of it but I still like Gackt and some others and of course Miku Hatsune. If I really have to listen to something then its instrumental music from celldweller but I prefer dead silence and just the ticks from my keyboard :D and I mean it. There's more :D but only if someone shows interest, dont rly like to talk with myself :D

laddrusso @laddrusso
commented on
laddrusso @laddrusso
Welcome fellow Otaku! what kind of animes do/have you watched? I really wanted to try dota2 i applied for it when it was in beta but never got in. Loved wc3 though. It's a pleasure to have you =]

mirrek @mirrek
commented on
mirrek @mirrek
shit I just lost my writing :D so I make it short since I have to write it again
So if you still want dota2 add me dustOnPc on steam I still got 16 of them and friends got some as well if you needed more :D
Bleach, Naruto, One piece ( only manga)
hunter x hunter
Ranma 1/2
Pokemons to keep me entertaied while im munching food
Hikaru no go
YU-GI-OH love card game as well
DB and DBZ and Kai
Seitokai yakuindomo
Seitokai ichizon
Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai
Osaka okan
Tenjho Tenge short and stupid but manga was quite good
Minami ke
Cuticle inaba
Ai mai mi
Tomodachi ga sukunai
gj bu
theres much more but I lost my hard drive with my collection once and I got sick of making my collection again

laddrusso @laddrusso
commented on
laddrusso @laddrusso
Its always alot more fun the first time around. you have a good collection here. if you like action animes try samurai champloo or trigun. they are the classics =P do you need steam to get dota2 cause im pretty sure i still have an account. also if you forget to type in the code and your message gets erased you can always click the back button than the forward button and your text will return :)

mirrek @mirrek
commented on
mirrek @mirrek
Already seen both :D told you there's much more XD there might be at least 80 maybe even more anime, yes I'm wasted :D. Dota2 is under valve so yes you do need steam just create a new account if you wont remember pass. And thx for the tip this will become really useful, yesterday it happend twice :D and I just lost the will to write it again

laddrusso @laddrusso
commented on
laddrusso @laddrusso
Baccano! ? that is my 2nd favorite of all time. first is steins gate. if you haven't seen those i would seriously recommend them. what's your top 3?

mirrek @mirrek
commented on
mirrek @mirrek
I didnt see those :D ill downl.. I mean I buy them today.
Nichijou 3rd , Darker than Black 2nd, and 1st Hunter x Hunter

laddrusso @laddrusso
commented on
laddrusso @laddrusso
Lol. Darker than black is a great series as well. I liked all the season. ill have to look into watching the other two though.

Kyjun Ruu @kyjun_ruu
commented on
Kyjun Ruu @kyjun_ruu
i dig the list of anime you got!
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