Anime Midwest 2013

Meta-morpho-sis @countessramsey
Anime Midwest 2013
Meta-morpho-sis @countessramsey
Anyone going to Anime midwest this year?I want to go but need hotel mates.

Luki @luki
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
Luki @luki
Hiyo! I planned on attending some friends. It's a group of 3 so far. You're more than welcome to stay with us. Well, whenever we get the room. We're aiming to have it booked by April.

rez09 @rez09
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
rez09 @rez09
Would this be Anime central in Illinois?

Luki @luki
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
Luki @luki
Nope, nope! It's a much smaller con and pretty new. I haven't gone before, but from what I've heard, the experience is much different from ACen. It's a lot more "relaxed"?

gtenn1031 @gtenn1031
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
gtenn1031 @gtenn1031
I might be going it all depends if I can get time off work :/

Meta-morpho-sis @countessramsey
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
Meta-morpho-sis @countessramsey
I can't go. :(

Kochiha @kochiha
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
Kochiha @kochiha
Might be, though the location change kinda shakes things up. When it was in Lisle it was pretty much right there in my backyard, but the space upgrade kinda changes things now.
Not to mention I just got done with Shutocon and I've got Acen and maybe Colossalcon coming up.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
Sephiroth @sephiroth
This con is going to be the best con in the world! GLADOS! STEAM POWERED GIRAFFE! OMG so many awesome guests. NO con is the same!

blackhauck @blackhauck
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
blackhauck @blackhauck
I should be going to Anime Central and Anime Midwest.

J_Awesome @j_awesome
commented on
Anime Midwest 2013
J_Awesome @j_awesome
I haven't been to this one, but I have a friend that does security for it. Maybe he'll let me run amok?
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