PS4 anyone?

zeromus1st @zeromus1st
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PS4 anyone?
zeromus1st @zeromus1st
Backwards compatibility was only part of the problem with the PS3's high cost. The cell processor and other in-house hardware inside the machine drove up costs for the console. But there will be no physical backwards compatibility, I could guarantee that. In all likelihood, the best we'll get is emulation through the cloud.
the q led on a motherboard doesn't necessarily mean the cpu will get hotter; it means there's a problem with the cpu or motherboard, as it relates to the cpu. The cpu will probably get hotter as a result, but it's not always going to happen when a fault appears.

Dokuji @chibisoul
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PS4 anyone?
Dokuji @chibisoul
OF COURSE ps4!!!! haters can stuff it, you know you'll end up getting one. if you want to play the best games on the best network, that is.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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PS4 anyone?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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floatsinwater @floatsinwater
commented on
PS4 anyone?
floatsinwater @floatsinwater
I think I read somewhere that the main CPU is gonna be the AMD Bulldozer. I like supporting competition so I might be more inclined to buy...
However, I also read that it might not play used games and that it needs to be connected to the internet to play. I've played my fair share of crappy games so that sounds pretty unappealing to be honest.

Dokuji @chibisoul
commented on
PS4 anyone?
Dokuji @chibisoul
psN hasnt been down once for me since that stupid fiasco a few years ago. also PSPlus stomps XBL in the face. much better service to gamers instead of nickel and diming for nothing.
and btw, they are taking the online space even more seriously this time around Mav, do some homework. it will be heavyweight.

zeromus1st @zeromus1st
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PS4 anyone?
zeromus1st @zeromus1st
@floatsinwater everything about what type of cpu and internet and stuff has been rumors. Microsoft is more likely to require a constant internet connection though. As far as the CPU, I hear they've been leaning more towards their upcoming Jaguar processors, which they use for laptops and notebooks and such. I don't think they want to mess with the bulldozer processors because of the amount of power they consume.
I think Sony has learned a lot this time around. The technical details they've leaked so far is telling of that. Everything seems developer friendly, and that'll benefit the game studios, and especially us gamers in the long run.
Right now, the only thing I'm really worried about is the price point. PS4 is promising, but if it's over 400 dollars, it's going to have a hard time getting into people's homes.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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PS4 anyone?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Dokuji @chibisoul
commented on
PS4 anyone?
Dokuji @chibisoul
^^ wii-u will HAVE to price drop this holiday. i'll probly get one after the holiday season and after getting my ps4 :D

ジュレル・ザ・アジアン人 @your_japanatic
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PS4 anyone?
ジュレル・ザ・アジアン人 @your_japanatic
Wii-U will probably never drop for a while DokujiSoul like the wii. I wish I had the cash for both PS4 and 720 except I’ll smash the 720 in public and the PS4 comes home

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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PS4 anyone?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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