Picture Uploader broken

Locked. @masuji
Picture Uploader broken
Locked. @masuji
I have been trying to upload a picture three times using both old and new methods and it isn't working, at all.

Locked. @masuji
commented on
Picture Uploader broken
Locked. @masuji
Tried again today and still not working. Can anyone tell me if it works or not? Error 422 from the flash version.
EDIT: its picky it seems =.=. Nevermind I guess.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Picture Uploader broken
Sephiroth @sephiroth
It's picky about the pictures sometimes...

riffaffray @riffaffray
commented on
Picture Uploader broken
riffaffray @riffaffray
tried to upload, not working.

koszulcia xd @koszulcia
commented on
Picture Uploader broken
koszulcia xd @koszulcia
i wanted to add some pictures today and it doesnt work T_T help please

koszulcia xd @koszulcia
commented on
Picture Uploader broken
koszulcia xd @koszulcia
never mind xd i managed to do it, it was a problem on my computer

zaF @zaaf
commented on
Picture Uploader broken
zaF @zaaf
Make sure the picture file size isnt too big, i had to resize mine.

ChemicalCatherine @chemicalcatherine
commented on
Picture Uploader broken
ChemicalCatherine @chemicalcatherine
Oh I've had to use an online resizer tool and then it worked flawlessly. The site doesn't accept upwards of about 1020 kb ^w^
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