I felt the need to post this
ookami93 @harem93
I felt the need to post this
ookami93 @harem93
I was watching the new episode of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic, I even cried tears of joy at one point in the episode. I tried to hold in giggling a little, but my efforts were futile. In the end I was crying and smiling and the same time. Does anyone else watch My Little Pony?
meatstakk @meatstakk
commented on
I felt the need to post this
meatstakk @meatstakk
I watched the first two seasons and haven't had time to watch this last one. Well, that's a lie, I saw the premiere and the last ten minutes of the finale.
ChemicalCatherine @chemicalcatherine
commented on
I felt the need to post this
ChemicalCatherine @chemicalcatherine
That... is awesome :3
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