MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!

ZeldaChan @monjachan
MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
ZeldaChan @monjachan
I had a few suggestions to the site regarding some ideas that may improve the site a bit..
So, Here I go..
Anime\Manga sites: Add a COMMENT BOARD to the different series so fans will be able to discuss the series without doing it at the forum and so spoiling the series for others..
Add a BLOCKED USER list: so you'll be able to block those you feel are harrassing you and such..
Being able to DELETE your own comments.. Spam and such mean comments.. Just being able to remove them so other people won't risk running into spamtraps and such.. Lets face it, its not particularly fun to have your profile loaded with lots of spammer comments..
Add a DROPBAR for your account where you'll be able to choose your fave anime and manga genres.. A Max of a 4-5 to save space..
add a RED TAG beside of first time spammers: Something like a small red circle with spam written in the middle notifying those who might be new to the site.. First or 2nd time spammers, note them! 3rd, delete accounts..
Oh Yeah, And I live in Norway and so none of the conventions I go to are listed to MaiOtaku..
I'll be going to Torucon again this year, please add this convention so I'll be able to
actually have a convention at my profile too xD I feel left out.. somwhow..
I guess that was all..

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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ZeldaChan @monjachan
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
ZeldaChan @monjachan
Right, Showing how many heartpieces one have ^^
Or just giving people ranks every 500+ heartpiece. ^^
There are so many different ways that we'll be able to improve the site.. <3

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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ZeldaChan @monjachan
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
ZeldaChan @monjachan
Or every thousands perhaps.. Wow, I thought I was much active on the site..
I just returned for real a little while back.. Basically, I had the account forever but I didn't use it much..
Now I've already gathered a 1057.. I had 10 points when I came back <.<
You're amazing Maverick :o

CrownCross @alucard317
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
CrownCross @alucard317
That would be grate.

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
ZeldaChan @monjachan
One more idea..
A Spoiler icon so we can talk about an anime at our profiles without worrying about other people having the anime spoiled for them while seeing our comments.. this is kinda unoptional, so..
something like this....
..... I really liked the [spoiler]spoiler entered in here[/spoiler]about that.....
Or just a way to uncheck a button under your message saying it contains spoilers so the person the spoiler is meant for will be able to read it.. ^^
I doubt I'll be the only one with this idea..

ZeldaChan @monjachan
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
ZeldaChan @monjachan
One more added.. Like, a separate list from your usual animelist for your top animes..
Maybe a dropbox under your profile picture containing your top 5 animes...
We all have so many scored highly, But guessing eachothers faves may take awhile XD

samxdash @samxdash
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MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
samxdash @samxdash
I second the idea to be able to delete your own comments I case you make a mistake.
Or to be able to delete any comment on your profile page, even if it wasn't you who wrote it.

meow =^-^=~ @meow
commented on
MaiOtaku suggestions! Add some or comment to them!
meow =^-^=~ @meow
I wish they would have a notifications thing to notify you when you have a new message or friend request
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