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CrownCross @alucard317
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CrownCross @alucard317
A new one named sandral01 has apeard

Locked. @masuji
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Locked. @masuji
Well I don't necessarily agree with pics. I had one up at a time, but I don't have one now for two reasons:
I'm not photogenic, not bad looking i just suck at taking pics.
I don't want people I know in person know who I am online.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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katsuragi93 @katsuragi93
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katsuragi93 @katsuragi93
I agree and don't agree (yep paradox)
True love can happen from getting in love with someone's personality, followed by looks.
I personally won't share my picture to the public. Only to people that I know for some time. Because I'm not a confident photogenic person.
People can see me how they want. I know who I am and I'm ok with it. I personally will never ask for a picture from a girl unless she wants to share one from her own will.
Inb4 "lol you're ugly,fat and beta"
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