Why women get turned down?
huogir @huogir
Why women get turned down?
huogir @huogir
I am just curious on how the ladies on this site are single. I mean it's more for researches purposes for later studies I'd like to conduct on relationships between people but I just am genuinely curious. Is it distance, location, hobbies, different animes, games, being in a small area with few nerds, etc etc that keep females searching for men on this site. I just see it as being a tougher challenge for a nerdy guy to find a nerdy girl to be with. Most guys want a nerdy girl and the ones that don't I suspect are the pretty boy types that feel they are the "shit" and don't wanna change anything about themselves/ want a specific type of chick. Well f anyone would care to expand on this topic or provide me with any info that'd be greatly appreciated :D
xueli @xueli
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Why women get turned down?
xueli @xueli
I suspect women get turned down for the basically the same reasons men get turned down. I don't think the two genders are all that different in that aspect :p
Lorii @meow_tron
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Why women get turned down?
Lorii @meow_tron
women on dating sites reject guys more because there are way less females and a higher pool of males to choose from. after a while all the males end up sounding pretty much alike (which is true, this is from personal experience)
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Why women get turned down?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
Asupon ❥ @asupon
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Why women get turned down?
Asupon ❥ @asupon
I feel like at times both genders have one specific type of person they look for or basically have a high standard. (Which isn't a problem) But at times some people can be so blinded in that ideal type that they miss out or overlook people that are interested in them.
Lorii @meow_tron
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Why women get turned down?
Lorii @meow_tron
thats what dating sites are, a buffet of sorts. men on those sites dont really mind if women are into these sort of things, but if it was a guy it will usually be different. its not so apparent here because this site was made for people with such interests and the smaller userbase
is a nice example of what i mean
Asupon ❥ @asupon
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Why women get turned down?
Asupon ❥ @asupon
@Meow I completely understand where you coming from.
Demy @nekonyandemy
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Why women get turned down?
Demy @nekonyandemy
That article makes me wish I wasn't apart of my own gender group even more v - v It's stuff like that which makes me too ashamed to even approach a girl :/ "What if this person has the mindset that I'm exactly like the majority of guys now a days?"
huogir @huogir
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Why women get turned down?
huogir @huogir
Gonna wear that "I'm a sensitive guy badge from the Sensitivity Gym in Saffron city." too tell the girls where you stand in life ;)
Demy @nekonyandemy
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Why women get turned down?
Demy @nekonyandemy
What D: ?
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