Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?

Ethan @ethanskysis
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
Ethan @ethanskysis
I've honestly never been to a convention but I do enjoy anime and video games haha, a friend asked me to go this year. What can I expect and does anyone wanna meet up? Just made an account yesterday, so I'm still a newbie :D

xueli @xueli
commented on
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
xueli @xueli
expect a lot of people. A-kon is the biggest in Texas so there's a lot of people around.

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
I am going!
and also i usually guide people who are new to conventions around!
I made a prearing for a convention video if you need it...
February first was the last day the price was $45 dollars. Now if you want to pre-register for A-kon (which, if you are going, I HIGHLY HIGHLY TO THE POWER OF HIGH recommend because the pre-reg line is long, but the on site reg line is 3 times longer), the price will be $50. They said that the on site Registration might be $60-$70 dollars, but it's not official yet!

Ethan @ethanskysis
commented on
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
Ethan @ethanskysis
Cool thanks, yea we're going to be getting it set up soon, Hopefully haha. We're gonna try to get a room around there for the weekend. Ive never been to one before I was even thinking about dressing up which is something I have never done before also.

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
That will be fun!
and the best part is that it doesn't have to be juat an anime. It can be comic characters(U.S.), zombies. heck, i even saw a superman cat in the (rainbow) hat at A-kon last year...
>w< it was totally worth it!

Ethan @ethanskysis
commented on
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
Ethan @ethanskysis
Lol that sounds amazing, I honestly can't wait. I need more anime and games in my life. Its getting hard to find good anime and games I feel like my inner child is slowly slipping away :(

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
We'll make sure that doesn't happen

Ethan @ethanskysis
commented on
Anyone Going To A-Kon 24?
Ethan @ethanskysis
^.^ YAYYY!!! O.O!
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