Anyone from Arizona or Chicago

Wonderlust @sica
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
Wonderlust @sica
I live in east mesa(Phoenix) but have family in Chicago, so I pretty much go all over the place :P

oomahaoo @oomahaoo
commented on
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
oomahaoo @oomahaoo
Im from chicago :3

MDLeaderMinion @mdleaderminion
commented on
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
MDLeaderMinion @mdleaderminion
im from phoenix

hiphop8004 @hiphop8004
commented on
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
hiphop8004 @hiphop8004

Neko Neko @starcat
commented on
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
Neko Neko @starcat
i have family in AZ too and i live real close to chicago. im in rockford area.

Key @keyrunners
commented on
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
Key @keyrunners
GILBERT REPRESENT!!! lolz but yeah i near phoenix

gone @normandy
commented on
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
gone @normandy
I live near Chicago; in the near north 'burbs to be specific.

VashTheStampede @vashthestampede
commented on
Anyone from Arizona or Chicago
VashTheStampede @vashthestampede
omg maha found this site...RUN! oh yea and I live in Chicagoland.
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