Sword Art Online

Axel @axwell
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Sword Art Online
Axel @axwell
I think everything was good execept the characters. The characters as well as the background you got on them was jut...sad. It was a very beautiful anime tough.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Sword Art Online
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Axel @axwell
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Sword Art Online
Axel @axwell
Visually it was stunning. And the story was okay.

Seraph @seraph
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Sword Art Online
Seraph @seraph
It was good, the anime did the books justice. I only noticed one part near the later part of Elfeim Online part that was excluded but nothing major. The pacing was very similar.
Hopefully they make some more seeing as how there are enough light novels for another 50+ episodes even at the rate the show was going. It's pretty popular so I think it's a good possibility.

Rou @roukuro
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Sword Art Online
Rou @roukuro
Let me first say that i was spoiled by Urobuchi Gen and his amazingly deep/metaphorical, literature-esque writing. I also love Literary analysis and derive much of my pleasure in anime out of that. That should give you some background to me , and help you make sense of what im about to say.
Im going to sound really douche-y and elitist right here but i hated SAO. Make no mistake it was still entertaining to watch (and read the books i read up to volume 10), but i hated it because in short, the story was horrible, its a bag of tropes, lacked depth, really sexist with regards to women,
(im sorry Gotz there really isnt that much character development in Asuna or the other girls, they just fall in love with kirito seemingly because hes the main character, i also dont consider growing attached to a child-like entity and having your standard ojou-sama back story much of character development)
and it panders/caters to the mary-sue/marty-stu self insertionist/wish fulfillment mindset that plagues most of the otaku community today.
However "good" is relative, i fully accept that it could be and can be good to others. and there for ill be the first to say that i believe its good in its own way. I just didn't like it for the aforementioned reasons.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Sword Art Online
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

Axel @axwell
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Sword Art Online
Axel @axwell
Roukoro you read my mind x)

collectiver @collectiver
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Sword Art Online
collectiver @collectiver
It was pretty good~

Faust @faust
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Sword Art Online
Faust @faust
Amazing anime, to me, the background music is what makes it so amazing. it makes every moment more awesome.
the only thing i have issues with is the lack of in depth character analysis and and amount of time skipping.
still loved it, i give it a 10

Anime Man @le_anime_man
commented on
Sword Art Online
Anime Man @le_anime_man
4/10 show.
Was like a 6/10 in till the 2nd part of the show. Then it went to crap.
The worst part is how he magically got admin powers at the end.
Also, Asuna was a slut.
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