is this against the rules?

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
is this against the rules?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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is this against the rules?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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is this against the rules?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Vixenlover @vixenlover
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is this against the rules?
Vixenlover @vixenlover
Seconded, this really needs to be fixed. This guy sends that message to EVERY girl he talks to. I have lost friends that I found on this site and I didn't know why til just recently

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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is this against the rules?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
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is this against the rules?
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
Definitely slander, from what I have been reading on this. The guy seems like an immature jerk.

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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is this against the rules?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Yu @metaljester
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is this against the rules?
Yu @metaljester
The reason. He hates vixenlover and blue is because she didn't accept him and vixenlover apparently took her in his eyes blaming him and saying stuff bad about him as for you maverick.he just wanted to be a add the first time since you both started off bad he jumped yukixl because he was friends and talked too blue and me because I didn' out when he was feeling bad and was off the site didn't even know it

Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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is this against the rules?
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Yu @metaljester
commented on
is this against the rules?
Yu @metaljester
I know thanks still if anything I'm going to make him stop along with you and the others he slandered he will if the truth is put in his face
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