Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
I agree it isnt however my online job is stable i do a combination of virtual assisistance and customer service
xueli @xueli
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
It's not that I do badly in terms of income, it just fluctuates a bit more than I'd like. And it's hard to kinda stay in one place very often cause I'm always on the road. And I'm hauling 13+ hours. :( Some days I wouldn't want to trade it for the world but other days it's kinda like, man I want a 9-5 and to have a permanent residence ya know?
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
Wow sorry hope you find something better im going to be doing something else eventually for now though i stick to what i have it pays well so im fine with it
xueli @xueli
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
Haha I lived out of hotels and buses. It's not so bad but it is pretty frantic. But now I'm going to school so no more tours, just studio work for me :)
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
Ahh thats cool i did myself once when i was traveling alot moreover the hotel part but it got old after awhile wanted to settle somewhere
xueli @xueli
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
The crappy part about traveling with a show is that you don't really get a lot of time to be a tourist. It's all get into the venue, set up, sound check, go over everything, show, and then strike it all and load it on the trucks for the next location.
Yu @metaljester
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
Yu @metaljester
Yep thats what i would think
tcht @tcht
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
tcht @tcht
@xueli that sounds awesome id love to do ur job. Beats being told what to do for 4 years in the air force lol
thelg @thelg
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Anyone wana talk so bored at work
thelg @thelg
ich bin bored >.>
@xueli you have an awesome job....
xueli @xueli
commented on
Anyone wana talk so bored at work
xueli @xueli
lol, it has it's moments. Nowadays the only thing that really bores me to death is my psych class :P
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