Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
gurutar @gurutar
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
gurutar @gurutar
being random isn't entirely awesome. when a person goes from docile to hostile then to amused, they might have bipolar disorder
i think random only works in anime
myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
This what I like so :P
Shinichiko @shinichiko
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
Shinichiko @shinichiko
I used to be random a lot, but now it's more when I get nervous and don't know what to say. Either that, or I'll say something that seems random, but it makes perfect sense and is relevant in my mind.
myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
myinnerdemon18 @myinnerdemon18
Lol this is old but know these day I'm fine with any girl just as long they have a nice personality
kidpool @kidpool
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
kidpool @kidpool
1000 times yes
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
ロイ @wallace614
Haha me too
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
I act random myself sometimes. Just acting a little bit silly and saying daft things from time to time.
So yeah, I could go for someone like that. Someone to act random with.
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
Kairu Otaku @kairu_steve
BTW, I agree with myinnerdemon18's last comment.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Omg yass girls who act random are sooo cute >x<, i just love them XD they always find a way to make things fun lol
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
commented on
Likes girls who acts random I think its cute
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
Children are random c:
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