who else feels this?

Phoenix @animecountryboy
who else feels this?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Who else feels like they are the only one who starts up a conversation most of the time? Despite one of my friends(with him it is about 50/50), i am always the one to start up conversations. It is not just with my close friends, but in general.

Phoenix @animecountryboy
commented on
who else feels this?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
This is in regards to one on one conversations

xueli @xueli
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who else feels this?
xueli @xueli
Mmm I don't really have that issue, or maybe I don't really notice it. I do know I'm more likely to call other people but that's also cause I hate texting

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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who else feels this?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
I mean with all forms of communication. I will admit i prefer hearing someone over reading something they said.

xueli @xueli
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who else feels this?
xueli @xueli
Like if you see a person you know and they see you, will the other person walk away without acknowledging you if you don't acknowledge them first?

xueli @xueli
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who else feels this?
xueli @xueli
Whoops, tapped post twice!

Phoenix @animecountryboy
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who else feels this?
Phoenix @animecountryboy
Not so much a "hey" as a "how are you doing man? What are you up to?" A real conversation

xueli @xueli
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who else feels this?
xueli @xueli
Mmmm dunno. I suppose my friends and I don't really have huge talks unless someone has something specific to talk about or we're just hanging out. I can't say I've ever felt that I started all of the conversations though but I haven't really thought about it.

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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who else feels this?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I rarely ever talk to people unless I want something from them
If you don't have anything nice to say and all that

NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
commented on
who else feels this?
NoLongerActive @josapswanzi
Texting drains so much time. It takes like 30 mins to text a conversation that would take 3 minutes to say over the phone. If you put 100% into any relationship/friendship then you' may want to rethink. Try to not contact them. If they text you in a week or couple weeks to see how things are going then they are okay. If they text or contact you needing a favor or something from you then they can eat a dick.
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