car guy
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
commented on
car guy
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
metal: i would like to but the money involved it is way up there, ive already dumped 2k in my celica and im nowhere near done (she actually looks alittle worse than i bought her)
tobitairu @tobitairu
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car guy
tobitairu @tobitairu
I draw, write, do research on certain cultures and ancient societies, spiritualities, and religions, I am a student of the occult and actively practice both witchcraft and psychism (in anime terms, I'd be a witch and an "esper"), I like to go hiking, camping, I can fish, I love taking photographs, and last but not least, I love working with wood.
How's that for hobbies that aren't otakuish? lol
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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car guy
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
I would also like to cook more. Right now my stove is still broken as well as the oven. I've only made simple Japanese stuff like Japanese style curry, Mabou Tofuu, Okonomiyaki. Look up "Cooking with Dog" on youtube for great Japanese recipes!
<a href="">Cooking with Dog</a>
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
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car guy
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
xueli: it may be hard work but your job sounds awesome.....probably real rewarding :)
xueli @xueli
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car guy
xueli @xueli
I only know how to cook chinese food :P
xueli @xueli
commented on
car guy
xueli @xueli
@FireStarterCanti, Thanks! Haha it has it's ups and downs but that's pretty true of any other job
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
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car guy
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
A Cantonese friend of mine does Dim Sum. Wish she would teach me. Sniff... Since she does it for a living it's a trade secret for her.
Yu @metaljester
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car guy
Yu @metaljester
Hmm cooking a bit writing research investigation of paranormal mythology cryptology exploring and hiking robotics and neruoscience physcology geography biogenetics other languages and culture studieing besides japan also i am interested in constantly trying to come up with ideas for new things that can benefit us and am open to pretty much any debate really i can say there are alot of things that keep me from being a pure otaku
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
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car guy
FireStarterCanti @firestartercanti
Yuusaku: the type of food i cook ranges quiet a bit.... everything from chinese pork dumplings (potstickers) to country fried steak...... something im going to try here soon is homemade mac & cheese... never made it before so im hoping it will turn out good (hav to find a recipe i like firest)
Yu @metaljester
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car guy
Yu @metaljester
Also as for cooking i do usually italian cooking and chinese im moderate but no chef at it i just do it as a a hobby and firestarter i hope it turns out well
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