Erm, hi? 0_0

automatoncreatives @automatoncreatives
Erm, hi? 0_0
automatoncreatives @automatoncreatives
Hello! New here, as with everyone else...uh...yeah! I actually have no clue what I'm supposed to be writing here!

AbyssWatcher @mushufasa
commented on
Erm, hi? 0_0
AbyssWatcher @mushufasa
Well that's quite alright, still counts as an intro xp welcome to maiotaku!

ookami93 @harem93
commented on
Erm, hi? 0_0
ookami93 @harem93
Hello, I hope we can be good friends.

Yu @metaljester
commented on
Erm, hi? 0_0
Yu @metaljester
Hi how are you thats fine that you dont know what to write its whatever you want when it comes to a introduction

VigeoRae @vigeorae
commented on
Erm, hi? 0_0
VigeoRae @vigeorae
Welcome Welcome!

timmonsxp @timmonsxp
commented on
Erm, hi? 0_0
timmonsxp @timmonsxp
Hello, Welcome to the site!
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