The Ghost of Maiotaku it knows your on

Yu @metaljester
The Ghost of Maiotaku it knows your on
Yu @metaljester
It sees everything and manipulates all it will devour your soul there have been sightings of it on maiotaku some say it just wants to play others say its a denomic spirit that has never found a date on these sites so its being bad to everybody else someone speak up before it has us all^^

Yu @metaljester
commented on
The Ghost of Maiotaku it knows your on
Yu @metaljester
Be careful on the site for it will get you

darklink3 @darklink3
commented on
The Ghost of Maiotaku it knows your on
darklink3 @darklink3
is the ghost real if it is i'll be it friend & if it's a girl ghost i just ask it out on a date

darklink3 @darklink3
commented on
The Ghost of Maiotaku it knows your on
darklink3 @darklink3
is the ghost real if it is i'll be it friend & if it's a girl ghost i just ask it out on a date

Demy @nekonyandemy
commented on
The Ghost of Maiotaku it knows your on
Demy @nekonyandemy
You're >: (!!!
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