Ok this topic needs to be put up please read

Yu @metaljester
Ok this topic needs to be put up please read
Yu @metaljester
I am concerned about the lowering value of this site so i think we need to start bringing in ideas for it and making some website activites or something on here that inspires more acivity or its only going to decreas within activity i have quite a few ideas but want others as well so please respond

anime_22 @anime_22
commented on
Ok this topic needs to be put up please read
anime_22 @anime_22
well for one not alot of otaku know about this site, maybe advertise maiotaku at cons or spread the word to other otaku that there is a place to talk/date with people of common interset

Kai Takemura @clevercreep
commented on
Ok this topic needs to be put up please read
Kai Takemura @clevercreep
mm maybe organising some games will help in my country there was one anime site which had a game I loved to play (lame idea but hope it helps :D)
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