Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames

Yu @metaljester
Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
Yu @metaljester
We really should have something on here would make things a bit more interesting like mayby a few roleplaying ones or something with strategy mayby dont know i have a few ideas though

I'm Rob @iii_otaku_iii
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
I'm Rob @iii_otaku_iii
Maybe a chat room, with different lobbies focusing on different animes...

CrownCross @alucard317
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
CrownCross @alucard317
I woud just hope it coud get more lively here. :(

boondocks1982 @boondocks1982
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
boondocks1982 @boondocks1982
yeah kind of dead and games would rock

ロイ @wallace614
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
ロイ @wallace614
Man I been wanting to do some live stream anime
But if that's not possible just stream it And we all login to a chatroom or video chat and we discuss it
Be pretty cool but most people is underage, with no car, or just not into the same stuff as I'm

lenz @lenz
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
lenz @lenz
i like the livestream idea. kinda like a letsplay commentary but with anime.

Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
This account has been suspended.

ZENFudo @zenfudo
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
ZENFudo @zenfudo
The fact remains that Maiotaku needs more development or else its doomed to remain this way. With Ai Anime's demise, I think its important that Seph try to keep this going but it seems like large task for one person who does this on free time maybe he should get serious and hire another coder

stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
This site is dead. It has a lot of promise but it seems like nobody here is really active enough to establish connectivity. Why upgrade and pay for the premium memberhsip when it won't serve you in the long run?

stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
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Sugesstions for site otaku inspired minigames
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
I could probably post in every forum and there might be no response or no new posts in three or four days if not longer.
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