Ohio Otakus!

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
Ohio Otakus!
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
Let's start a club for Otaku in Ohio! Who's with me?!

Rezikai @rezikai
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
Rezikai @rezikai
lol there's actually quite a lot of us Ohioans here Pan, deeper into this section you'll see 2 or 3 more threads made by Ohio Otaku though I don't know how many are still active anymore.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Guys why don't you send invites to the members in that state? That way you can network and meet for conventions and stuff. It will help you all cut the cost down for conventions. Use the search feature in the site. If you post on their page it could work. Now that we can subscribe to the forums have them subscribe to this one. And start planning meet ups and discussions.

Shinichiko @sp4rkl3_kitti3
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
Shinichiko @sp4rkl3_kitti3
I'd join :)

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
Yippee! I'm gonna go hunting for some more people. o3o

sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
I'd join too :3

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
I feel so rejoiced! :'D

Cyan-San @cyansan
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
Cyan-San @cyansan
I'd join probably

PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
PansexualFangirl @pansexualotaku
Great! The more the merrier! And thank you for the advice, EndlessKnight! I'll try it out.

wafflecoptergames @wafflecoptergames
commented on
Ohio Otakus!
wafflecoptergames @wafflecoptergames
Id join too
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