Anime Boston or Connecticon or both

Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
Anime Boston or Connecticon or both
Kakachi Draken @kakachi07
IS anybody going to these Cons?

asiangoth666 @asiangoth666
commented on
Anime Boston or Connecticon or both
asiangoth666 @asiangoth666
that who be me

gjfgh @dawley
commented on
Anime Boston or Connecticon or both
gjfgh @dawley
AB '11 for my fifth year at this convention. Can't wait!

ninja_gurl24 @ninja_gurl24
commented on
Anime Boston or Connecticon or both
ninja_gurl24 @ninja_gurl24
oops i just posted a topic like that i cant wait ab is my 8th year

Happiegal @happiegal
commented on
Anime Boston or Connecticon or both
Happiegal @happiegal
Cant wait over whelmed w/ excitment XD

Soaddragon @soaddragon
commented on
Anime Boston or Connecticon or both
Soaddragon @soaddragon
Connecticon 2012, won't be stuck on staff this year, I'll actually get to enjoy the festivities.
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