Anyone will to be apart of a minecraft community
Mio @syaoran91
Anyone will to be apart of a minecraft community
Mio @syaoran91
Would anyone be able to host a minecraft community?? like if anyone here plays minecraft we can all get together and play and build things anime related. Hopefully there can be support for this idea
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Anyone will to be apart of a minecraft community
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Nerdalous @nerdalous
commented on
Anyone will to be apart of a minecraft community
Nerdalous @nerdalous
This is pretty much what happen to me last time I played minecraft
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
commented on
Anyone will to be apart of a minecraft community
KitsuneRena @kitsunerena
That'd be cool to have a community going. ^^
icymjp @icymjp
commented on
Anyone will to be apart of a minecraft community
icymjp @icymjp
you get a server started and i'd be happy to join. It gets a little boring to build with no one to see it
Mio @syaoran91
commented on
Anyone will to be apart of a minecraft community
Mio @syaoran91
I would love to get one started i just hope it isnt laggy if someone is on i dont mind giving out my IP address for it so they can try it out and see how its like then we can set up a schedule to play because i cant have the server running at all times
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