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What's the reason you're single?

Because my last woman was A-sexual
because my ex couldn't understand me
hmmm maybe its cuz I aint good enough and im very unattractive lol.
I have to much damn fun messing with pesky site admins/mods to look for a serious relationship xD
Because 2D master race :3
I was bullied a lot in elementary school and high school and I sort isolated myself more and more and got more uncomfortable around people as the years went by. Now my only friends are my family and pets. I'm too scared to do anything in which I'd meet a potential date lol
Because I'm quiet and nobody tries to know me. :3
Well let's see, Because all of my ex girlfriends over the relationships. I never end one relationship. When I love some girl and we begin to date, I think it's for life, and I fight until the end. I learn with my mistakes, so i hope one day i find someone who thinks what I think.
I think it's cuz I have a hard time initiating a conversation with people and not off-putting them at the same time. I can't ever get to know a crush because they never end up trying to talk to me very long or get to know me in the first place. :'D I've had some girlfriends and they've almost all left me for other people. XD
I have to say my reason being single may be a cursee which I would quickly believe lol but nah tbh I think it might be because im emotional caring too much an I put too much effort in things always putting the person I would like before myself I think it scares or possibly stresses someone I like slowly pushing them away maybe.. I should try being calm perhaps putting my all is the downfall but alot of times they say I'm a literal burden being in their life sometimes with those exact words or pretty bluntly hinting at it which I'm trying to understand how that is so as if I'm holding them back or something.. I can always have a clear mind doing what must be done if its for a job or any other important task but whenever it comes to a lover I would have its like they cant continue life while I'm still in it.. So they cut me out with the snap of fingers no remorse whatsoever it confuses me to this day I've only ever been dumped o-o an they say things such as "oh your sweet you really are but im just not the person for youu" I dont see why some people compliment after dumping someone its kinda misleading to me at times like I coulda been better but yeah blah blah xD that's my belief riight there but I'm still confident ^~^
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