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What's the reason you're single?

Cos I want to and if anyone does come along I'll push them away.
The reason I am single is because I been put in every zone possible. By this i mean not only have a i been friend zone but also bff zone, brother zone, If someone else comes along i get left behind zone, canceled plans on zone forgot about zone, your not my type zone, your more of a friend zone, but worst of all i been TEACHER ZONED, -.- has this ever happen to anyone else? Being Teacher zoned I honestly will accept that i might be the only person this ever happen too.
Mmm. Teacher x Student... ^ Anyways, joking aside. The reason why I'm single again because, I need to. My first and so far, last relationship was just really bad. Don't want to be stuck with a clingy freeloader who can't seem to grow up. I eventually realized alot of mistakes in that relationship and feel that I can do better. Single isn't so bad, you have that freedom to learn about yourself and do things you want to do and better yourself. However, loneliness does strike. I just hope I can find a charming gentleman this time n_n
I'm single cause I'm just plain quiet. From what I'm told, I'm a complete mystery and I need to talk more. What can I say? I like to play the "mysterious" guy every now and then! I've learned my lesson though lol.
I believe im picky, im not their type, or they dont use actual sentences. When it comes to guys, I would like to hold a conversation with them to get to know them before anything. And if they were to use more shorthand for like texting, or dont know the difference in your and you're (using that as an example) its essentially a no go on my end. I'm also much more use to being friends rather than in a relationship. That probably plays a role in it.
The reason why Im single 1. I don't hang much with the guys 2. I don't feel very comfortable when Im with a guy 3. and I'm very akward and weird...I think 4. And little bit scared of boys...
the reason why im single is Anime and Kpop because in anime their's lot more handsome guys and in Kpop too, and it will never hurt you :P
^ Lol seems legit.
The reason I'm single is because I fail to connect with the lady whom I like.
I'm single mostly because I'm an awkward fucktard with a weird face :3
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