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What's the reason you're single?

Too much anime clouds my judgement of the perfect girl... wait... Oh, I attract the girls I'm not attracted to, that have no common interest what so ever (countless times.) Ones I do talk to tend to feign 'stranger danger'
Nov 25, 13 at 11:34pm
I have positive intentions, but my execution is like sawing a head off with a butter knife--- misses the mark. So, I'm deemed an asshole a lot of the time.
How much information you willing to take? Well, I have issues with social interaction and tend to fail to seal the deal even if I manage to strike up a conversation so it tends to be other people that have to break the ice and get me out of my comfort zone. I have only been in one relationship and it was with someone I knew before we both moved and developed a long distance relationship. As to why that relationship failed and I am single now can be summed up in me having trust issues.
Why I'm single? Well, I've been single for a year now. I've been on dates, and had a boyfriend.. For a week, so I don't really count that. My problem seems to be I'll be myself, and I'm naturally just a really nice person, and seemingly a pushover at times. I guess guys don't like much of the 'nice girl' thing, because when I really start liking them and they've told me they like me too, they venture off to a different girl. After a few weeks of dating, or flirting with that girl, they always seem to come back to me, saying she did them wrong, and they realize they do want a 'nice girl' I don't start liking them though, I think if it takes having a crap girl to realize that I'd be a good girlfriend to you, then, well, poo on the guy. Another reason I'm single is because I don't like long distance relationships. I enjoy cuddling far too much! But, uh, yeah. :]
The people that like me, I never like, and the people I like never like me xD. I don't get it. It's like a curse or something. Sucks so much. Right now I'm just so busy that I can't find time to go out and have the opportunity to meet anyone, so most of my social interaction is online only ^^;;..
the reason i'm single is because i always tend to date people with conflicting schedules (work and college)and its hard to focus on relationships sometimes
because im batman
I dunno really, I guess that's why i'm here. I think its partly because i've become pretty selective. After my last BIG ex back about 4 years ago I got kinda jaded with the whole dating process. That's not to say I have stopped dating or anything but it's been about 2 years since my last real girlfriend. I just don't want to waste anyone or my own time. I pretty much know what i'm looking for and while I still have people interested, I don't feel the need to lead them on for an ego stroke [or any other stroke for that matter].
Because I would prefer to be alone in many cases, as lonely as a prospect that is, you don't get many people worth your time to be with. I've seen relationships fail for any reason, and I've decided I don't want to go through that if avoidable.
Dec 12, 13 at 8:37am
I've been at work and college for the past 2 years, so I found it hard to focus on a girl... but now that school is over I feel I can balance my time better.
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