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What's the reason you're single?

@Aika: don't worry about getting off topic. I do the same thing at times. And during high school, I was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Chronic depression, and chronic insomnia. On top of that, I was anorexic... I was a messed up child going through her parents divorce and abuse in multiple places... What got me through it was my music, my writing, and my best friend. But what mainly did it for me, was the countdown. I figured out and planned what I wanted to with my life and I counted down until I could get out and do what I loved... If you can find the same thing, it'll give you strength. And for the topic of relationships to make this make sense with the title somehow? I actually converted my only long term high school boyfriend into an anime lover who cosplayed as well. His parents haated me for it haha but honestly? Don't force something that's not meant to. If you don't find interest in any of the guys at your school, and they don't like your awesome hair, style, and interests? Screw them! Do what you're doing and talk to guys on here! It helps a LOT! I actually found someone on here and I like him lots :) you'll find someone who accepts you for you! Just keep trying and stay positive. And if you EVER need someone to talk to during a depression stage, message me! I may not be a shrink but I've got a lot of experiences I've learned from, and it really helps to learn you aren't alone and to talk it out :)
Oct 16, 13 at 5:58pm
@AMDarely I'll not rant about my family here :'D Technically I'm not supposed to have an iPod and am not allowed to listen to music/have a phone/have Internet in general. My parents have stuck me in sports in order to make me conform. But I basically smuggled an iPod and have become sneaky sneaky. x'D And I don't eat much .-. Just don't :o But I don't think I'm anorexic ;-; I don't sleep much though, because nighttime is when I can be on the Internet c: I have a lot of respect for you ;_; You're a strong person. c: I've never had a real life boyfriend! cx I'm hoping one day, but until then I'm secretly married to Oli Sykes from BMTH hahaha..cx And for me I usually just withdraw when I get depressed, which is frequently. I was in love with someone I met online but it didn't work out and I'm still recovering.. Eh I'm in an icky mood now ._.
@bring me the veil of mice.... BMTVOMAMIR: I added you! So accept and we can talk via message :)
SINGLE? Psshhh, about to change eventually :P
Who ya talkin to :P haha
Oh, talking to myself :)
Well, now that that's obvious. Unless you're going to date your hand, there has to be another person involved :P haha
Well, there is another person involved. And if dating my hand was possible, i've been dating my hand since i was in middle school... LMAO. OKAY, but yeah.
...awk...ward.... haha :P
Can never find someone I feel a connection with, they may like me but the thought of dating them doesn't appeal to me. I can never find someone who thinks similarly to me, dating makes me feel like an alien at times, It points out how weird and easily forgotten I am.
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