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Dec 15, 12 at 1:47am
gaaaaaaaaaaaah!!! DX whAT are you trying to DO to me ?!!! ;( it's creeping me out man.
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Dec 15, 12 at 1:51am
It popped up on my screen really big and ahh. DX now i'll be having some bad nightmares tonight. DX fml........ohhh fml.
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Some things can be traumatizing to people. For me it's more of a not my type of thing or interest so I tend to avoid it when possible.
Dec 15, 12 at 2:03am
I just think it's nasty ok. I don't like it. I don't have to like it if I don't want to. Why did you say "really" as if I should be accepting of it? Not everyone think it's okay... We all have things that creeps us out. Don't look down on me just because it makes me uncomfortable. :/ that's a bit...mean and messed up of you....
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