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Forbiden Love

To be honest I actually fallen for a girl who is under 18, I'm currently 21. She is 15, I know I'd probably get disgusting looks for saying that, but love is uncontrollable, we can't exactly pick who our hearts desire, reason why I'm not against same gender marriage. I would do anything for her, and I've tried to do everything for her. I don't care if she's underage, I have no sexual desire and I'd also keep it PG-13. All I could ask for is to be with them, to be theirs and they be mine. It shouldn't matter for age, gender, or what ever is preventing you for being together. Love is love, go where your heart desires, and when you actually LOVE someone, you would stop at nothing to be with them.
*grabs a bunch of tissues* I think I'm gonna cry...
ManLeftForDead I been there my self. Actually even though I tried keeping things pg13 turned out she was more forward than I imagined. She turned 18 at the beginning of the year. Although I thought the feeling was mutual she just was too unstable. Someone at that age that doesn't have their life together or know where they're going is hard to make it work. I guess what hurt the relationship the most was that she depended so much on me for emotional support and advice. You need to have a balance to feel like equals in a relationship. But anyway that's my spin.
It depends on the person and my relationship woth them. If its some hot guy I saw around the corner that i dont know then I'd just be damn he hawt...oh well and move on with my life but if it was a friend that I know and we're sorta/rlly good friends (X3 How ironic this is happening to me now!!) I would totally ignore my feeling and shove them in the bak of my head and let it eat away at me slowly driving me to madness, I wouldnt wanna ruin the friendship we had =_= im too shy to ask so y even try TT^TT but I would want to do just about anything for him to like me but my personality wouldnt allow that :< its like my brain and my feelings hate each other
@EndlessKnight - Dang, honestly seems like a lot of underage girls aren't really great for older people. There are a lot that would work with a relationship, but there are some that just aren't ready. Honestly I don't exactly have my life together and know where I'm goin really. I think she knows more than I do, which makes it rough for me even considering if it's meant to be or not. @KawaiiAttack - I did that for a while, ignored the feelings for a quite a while, but sadly it just grew and grew to the point I couldn't keep holding them back. I know that feeling, I think my feelings ruined our friendship and honestly if I could I'd go back and never tell her. I mean we are still good friends, but I think there's an awkwardness lingering cuz I've mentioned it a couple times or so. :( I'm sorry that's happening, though at times I'm glad I've let my feelings out cuz there's the chance they may like you back. Also it's nice to just let those feelings out and let them be heard.
Forbidden love has always been an interest of humans. humans by nature are drawn to push farther, danger, what we can not have, and to take risks
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Romeo and Juliet is not a romance it is a tragedy...........
Jan 01, 13 at 7:26pm
Alas Sometimes cannot help who ya fall in love with.. is a cruel Irony of life sometimes. The heart wants what it wants even if your head tells ya no..!
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